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In accordance with the Statement of the All-Russian Officers' Assembly (OOS) dated January 28, 2021, on the need to develop basic principles for organizing life in the Russian state, the preparation and holding of the All-Russian People's Assembly (VNS) has been initiated, within the framework of which an open competition is held.


(Coming soon)

You can take part in the work of the Expert Council of the competition for the preparation of the All-Russian People's Assembly by sending an application to the e-mail BOZEP@BK.RU in the form specified in Appendix No. 1 of the regulation on the open competition of the VNS “Basic principles of organizing life in the Russian state.

After the completion of the stage of accepting proposals, you will be sent a link to evaluate the submitted concepts, you can familiarize yourself with all received concepts by clicking on the red arrow.

Опубликовано по просьбе общероссийского офицерского собрания*



Since 1997, the Association of Independent Scientists Russia XX-XXI and the general Russian public have been developing the image of Russia's future in the form of a new socio-economic formation “socio-humanism”. More than 150 representatives of the scientific world took part in the work, including:

- from RUSSIA: Gundarov I.A. (coordinator, MD, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences), Lvov D.S. (Doctor of Economics, Prof., Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Golubev V.S. (Doctor of Geographical Sciences, prof.), Gurova R.G. (Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Prof.), Tyurikov A.G. (Doctor of Social Sciences, prof.), Venediktov D.D. (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof., Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), Volkonsky V.A. (Doctor of Economics, prof.), Chernavsky D.S. (Doctor of Economics, prof.), Popov V.D. (Ph.D., prof.), Danilenko I.S. (Doctor of Philosophy, Prof.), Yugay G.A. (Doctor of Philosophy, Prof., Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences), Kuteinikova Z.A. (Ph.D.), Erekaev V.D. (Ph.D.), Minin B.A. (Doctor of Technical Sciences), Yerasov B.S. (Doctor of Philosophy, Prof.), Krutko V.A. (Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences), Lishchuk V.A. (Doctor of Biological Sciences, prof.), Rudnikov V.A. (Ph.D., Prigarin A.A. (Ph.D.), Khorev B.S. (D.G.) and others;

- from UKRAINE: Lazarev F.V. (Ph.D., prof.), Apanasenko G.L. (doctor of medical sciences, prof.), Bakhantsov M.D. (Ph.D.) and others;

- from BELARUS: Gonikman E.I. (Doctor of Philosophy, Professor), Rostovtsev V.N. (Doctor of Medical Sciences);

- from AUSTRIA - Augustat V. (President of the European Federation of the International Association "Peace through Culture"); E. Shtangl;

- from Germany - Lear G., Bernhardt S .;

- from ITALY - Schwartz-Rudiferia U.

Intermediate options were discussed on dozens of radio Free Russia and Resonance broadcasts, on various YouTube channels, and were approved at the Russian conference “Concept for the revival of Russia” (Gorki Leninsky, Moscow, 1998), the International Congress “Ethics and Humanism” (Crimea, 2005), the International Working Meeting "Strategy of Ukraine's Development" (Pushcha Voditsa, 2006), the International Congress "Healthy World - Healthy People" (Crimea, 2013), etc. The developers took part in the All-Russian competition (organizers V.Yu. Volchkov and V.V. Leonov) projects in 2008. Materials are widely presented in the scientific press and the media, on radio and the Internet, at All-Russian and International forums (2020-21) receiving recognition and support. In 2016, at the founding congress of the People's Patriotic Party Power to the People, the ideology of socio-humanism was adopted as a party program.

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